World of Medics


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World of Medics is an educational platform teaching medical students about the human body and medicine.

We focus on teaching the basic medical sciences using a unique and simple method which focuses on understanding concepts rather than just memorising facts.

We cover the subjects which form the foundation of understanding how the human body works, also known as the preclinical sciences.

These subjects include anatomy, physiology, cell biology, histology, immunology, molecular biology, biochemistry and embryology.

World of Medics aims to make high quality education about the human body and medicine available to everyone around the world.

The videos on our Youtube channel is accessible to everyone so we can benefit as many people as possible.

We hope that all of our students can one day also serve to benefit their communities through the knowledge they have gained through World of Medics.

We want to help you help others.

Everything we provide is done in our free time using our own resources as we believe our mission in providing high quality medical education for all.

You can donate via the link below or subscribe to our Patreon to help us continue to grow and provide more high quality medical education content.

Make sure to also follow us on social media and share our content with others as it helps us grow and expand our reach.

If you would like to get involved and join the team, please contact us via the form on our “Contact Us” page.

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